
Three? I think three.

I still can't believe all of that baseball debt barely made a blip in the news cycle. Either the dude is so fucking irresponsible he shouldn't be within a thousand miles of SCOTUS, or it was a cover up for something else.

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na JON HAMMMMMMM.

I mean... I’d watch that.

This movie was criminally underrated, tbh.

threats of death or other harm nearly doubled to 62

Has there been a Lifehacker article on the pros/cons of buying the earlier model phones when the new ones come out? I have a three year old iPhone 6 that’s been buggy from the start (and now just refuses to make calls at least once a week without a full reboot, usually at the worst possible times), but none of these

If all we do all season is force ties and play the spoiler for other teams, hubs and I are good with that.

Or, our other perennial favorite: “Why didn’t you say something sooner?”

Ugh, he did dismiss you? Thanks for posting again. What you said was important.

Hey, MD - not sure if you, Kinja, or thetallblonde themselves deleted their comment, but it was valid and I think it should be here. I definitely don’t always agree with the tone some Jez authors take, but I understand the inclination toward sarcasm/flippancy in the specific cases you mentioned.

Context: A previous job I held had three equivalent positions at three different locations in the US. One was held by a man, the other two were me and another woman. My boss (a woman) was the type of person to call you ungrateful for asking for a raise when you should be “just happy to have a job you love.”

I honestly don’t understand the appeal of US - I was able to snag a free (normally $50) tshirt when they were doing a promo, and yeah, the material’s nice, but the cut is freaking awful.

I love Cleveland Whiskey. They’re actually doing a crowd investment campaign through WeFunder right now.

The cousin who was telling them to fuck off with their political grandstanding supposedly is receiving death threats already :-/

Evil never dies :(

Oh my god. They’re actually considering using what I’m assuming will be taxpayer money to purchase this thing, and the money goes directly into this asshole’s pocket.

I saw on Twitter (so take with appropriate salt) that the hat’s going in Obama’s presidential library. Which would be so amazing.

When I was studying abroad in Florence, I was sitting by the river doing homework and a whole FAMILY of these things waddled out of the water, within 5 feet of my blanket, and just stared at me until I noped the hell out of there. “Aww, they’re kind of cute” turns to “shit, that’s unnerving” pretty quickly with these