
I have never been able to find a mac and cheese recipe to top Stouffer’s frozen version.

I’m torn between really wanting this to happen and really not wanting this to happen.

Just bring a cat and it’s all good.

I have no words of wisdom or advice, I’m just so, so sorry you’re going through this <3

They’re fucking TERRIFIED of her. The best part is that their constant and repeated attempts to silence or minimize her are doing nothing but alerting more people to her policies and winning her more fans. 

Fuuuuuuuck. You’ll be very missed here. Good luck on your new adventures ❤

We’re so fucked. So, so fucked.

It’s never the men’s responsibility not to suck, it’s always our fault and our problem to fix :-/

They’re starting to only reimburse for a month of free prime shipping when it’s TWO days late, now. The first day, they say they’ll credit your account. I figured on an $100.00 order, I’d get $10 or so. Nope, $3.

I want to truly celebrate this victory, but I feel like it’s 1 down, 2299 to go. We can’t stop the pressure on anyone until all of those families are reunited.

Did Teddy not kill the escaping Ghost Nation warrior because he didn’t want to, or because the warrior was *also* able to use some of Maeve’s wifi juju and made him put it down?

This fucking evil shitstain is causing so much pain and suffering singlehandedly. I hope he reaps what he’s sowing tenfold.

If you have the privilege to vote (because it’s not a right for everyone) fucking VOTE, people.

Did you see the response from a former advisor to Trudeau?

I still think he’s gonna bail or send Pence in his place. He can’t handle being criticized and he knows what’s waiting for him.

I know they’re crap, but at the same time I will never not find it funny that I saw a meme saying that the way Tauruses (my husband) react to fights is to blow up, and then 10 minutes later be like “stop being mad. can we get chinese for dinner?”, and then later the same day my husband and I got into a tiff, and he


This is such a fantastic idea, thanks!

Two main things I miss from living in PA: WaWa and wooder ice.

Is there any legal foundation to prosecute the assholes making these phony calls? They’re not just wasting resources, they’re endangering the freaking public.