
I mean... did anyone expect him to have a *good* take on this?

Do you know when you’re supposed to see the discount applied? I’m only seeing the 5% discount on the page where I have to click “confirm subscription” (which I haven’t done yet).

Do you know when you’re supposed to see the discount applied? I’m only seeing the 5% discount on the page where I

Is it too much to hope that Martha tells him to shove it?

“Westchester had a major impact on my life,” Eric says. “I went to school in the city”

Yep. God damnit, God.

Thank you for introducing this to my life.

I think a summer-ized tuna casserole could be lovely.

If I see one more article using the words “romantic” or “spurned” and implicitly laying this girl’s death and others at her feet for making the shooter do this, I will set something on fire. Conservatives are all over this, with their “if she had just been nice to him!” schtick that does nothing but harm women and

Yeah, no one’s watching that show for Nev.

Omg, now I want this so badly.

I am going to rage stroke when the White House expresses their mock horror about this while barely being able to contain their glee.

“I have never engaged in nonconsensual sex, which is a line I would not cross.”

Using the envelope method just for “take-out/restaurants” and “fun” categories. We were able to budget everything else in our lives pretty well, but we always struggled with those. Having a finite amount of cash that you can see/physically have to remove has really helped.

My first thought was that Cap’s shield in the corner was in a love-y thought bubble, which I appreciated.

“I am Groot” - “I am Steve Rogers” is where I lost it :)

I want to believe!

Married to a Browns fan, whose response to this pick was “HAVE THESE ASSHATS LEARNED NOTHING?!”

I kind of want Trump to make some huge flashy statement only to have the entire remaining Bush clan give him the collective finger.

Of course, at that point their idiocy is fair game :)

Oh my god, everyone, stop responding to trolls in the grays. It brings them into the black and forces everyone to look at their bile.