
Nope. I would be so happy with well-done (i.e., actually some historical backing, looking at you, Showtime’s Tudors) series for each of Henry VIII’s wives. They each have their own fascinating stories.

Republican Party seems to be doing a pretty good job of eating shit right now. Democrats better figure out how to use the opportunity.

We’re living in a real, live version of the Monty Python and the Holy Grail credits.

Yep, it started out just doing that on my phone, and now it’s in the web browsers too. You can either see all non-gray comments, or some gray comments but only up to the first 5 replies (the “show more comments” option disappears).

Holy crap, it takes place in Shaker Heights?! I definitely wonder how they’re going to play that...

Fergus explained to CNN the importance of wiping out this debt, saying that parents are prohibited from applying for need-based, reduced-price lunches when they owe money, so they continue to accrue it. She added that some families owe as much as $1,000 for school lunches.

Harley-Davidsons, bourbon, and jeans. ‘Murica.

I realized super late that he was Ronan in Guardians of the Galaxy, too.

IRL depiction of me thinking about the right-wing reaction to this:

Same. I’ve never had a reason to buy anything there before, but dammit I’ll find something sportsball related to buy for the sake of supporting this.

I mean... I’m glad there’s a study verifying this, but I saw the headline and went “Yeah, no shit.” They literally called these TRAP laws; they weren’t trying to hide their intentions.

This is an excellent and accurate comment.

That episode still makes me sob :(

I love these students so much. They’ve been through hell and I’m so proud of them for calling out everyone who’s failed them.

So we don’t have money for actual teacher salaries, classroom art supplies, SNAP, or mental health care, but we do have billions of dollars to train and arm teachers?

Those tweets are nearly illegible. It’s not like he was running out of characters, either.

The kicker is that the new map STILL gives republicans a slight advantage, just not a crazy, clearly-cheating one.

“What, pray tell, did these students do to earn their claim to expertise?” Shapiro wrote. “They were present during a mass shooting, and they have the right point of view, according to the Left.”

  • Cheesesteak casserole: I just need someone from Philly to tell me which cheese to use, because my impulse is to use provolone and Cheese Wiz.

I work at a university, and I’ve already heard of a few staff are planning to do this (me included). Unfortunately that’s spring break for most schools in our area.