
Trump: “Thoughts and Condolences”

Same, I live for her historical pieces!

Lawyer Jezzies - does this have any impact on the NDA?

Watching the trials a few days ago they were talking about the married American skating couple and the health issue hell they went through to get the woman a diagnosis last year. Then said couple started skating to “Come What May” from Moulin Rouge and I 100% ugly cried.

Of course he is. At the very least emotionally, if not also physically.

God damn it. That poor woman. Her poor kids.

It didn’t even cross my mind that it *wasn’t* supposed to say fucktomb until I saw that.

Or women. Or children.

God I miss Wawa.

Delaware is also excited: An auto repair shop put a sign up reading “We fix cars better than the Patriots fix games.”

Does anyone know what they meant by the what was that/who was she comments? I refuse to watch this.

I desperately want someone to heckle him and for him to have a complete freaking meltdown over it.

Depending on how he does I’m sure it’ll spark 2020 talk (it already is). And you’re 100% right. And I wish it wasn’t a a white guy who’s going to be paraded as a potential savior. But I’ll never trust my (white) countrymen and women again after 2016 to vote for anyone not white and male, and people are actively

Ugh this hits way too close to home. Being constantly told in childhood that you’ll go to hell and never see your family again after you die if you do anything on an arbitrary “bad list” can fuck you up so much. I’m 30 and still dealing with it.

Fuuuuuck that is powerful. All the love to her, and to all of us with similar stories ❤

We do not recall the president saying those comments specifically

First reaction: Yay! These poor kids. They haven’t had a moment’s peace in months, maybe they can have some hope.

Have any braver souls than I ventured over to Breitbart to see how its readers are taking this..?

Again, this absolutely insane reaction from the White House (the statement, now this) does more than anything to say that a lot of what was published is too close to true for comfort. If they could have screamed that it was a fake news plot that used out-of-context (or fabricated) quotes, they would have done so

Didn’t he ask where someone was, looking around the room, when he was directly in front of him once, too? Plus breezing by the very-clearly-for-him car after he got off that flight.