Melania Georg, who lives in a cave and solos Melania over 10,000 times each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
Melania Georg, who lives in a cave and solos Melania over 10,000 times each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
Right? “You claim you are not an American citizen? May I see your visa or authorization papers? Oh, you don’t have them? Cool, let me escalate this to ICE, that’ll go well for you.”
My friend, you cannot compare a “cumulative” chart to a, uh, regular chart. Also note the very noticeable decrease in slope rise in the last section.
Picking a single favorite is tough - for instance, I could nominate the genre of “bad drivers in the snow” - for for a specific video, I’m going to go with Simone Giertz’s “Truckla”, particularly the build video. She figured that she wanted an electric pickup and, at the time, nobody was offering one... so she bought…
First: I think part of the issue is that early adopters tend to educate themselves better, now that EVs are reaching the masses, people aren’t doing as much research for themselves, and of course a lot of dealers aren’t helping.
Yep, I think it was Patrick George but I could be wrong.
I think that there will be a detent like that for strapping a child in, or maybe a mobility-challenged adult (bit of a step up to it though), but maybe with some sort of lockout. If it were a minivan, don’t let the door close while it’s in that position. With an SUV, maybe just lock the vehicle in park until the seat…
As much as my tupperware heart wants to say Saturn, I think you nailed it with the teal Cavalier.
Last time I was feeling really bad, I just had the “Tristram” track from the original Diablo soundtrack playing on loop for the better part of a week.
That LED headlight article is from almost ten years ago. You should do something like it again - tech has come a long way, but the point stands that LED bulbs in reflector housings are still a very bad idea. A brand-new article to that effect, and where LED bulbs do make sense, would be very welcome.
I have my Xbox One version and was streaming that last year. Midway through I switched it to a Series X, and it was so much better - visually about the same but loading screens went from 60 seconds to 6. That’s more than enough for me. Just stick with the old one *shrugs*
Note to publishers: Never, ever offer an exclusive pre-order through GameStop. If it wasn’t obvious before, it is now. If I were a customer I’d try going to the publisher and say, “Hey, your exclusive partner on this one bailed on you. How are you going to make it right?” Put pressure on publishers or they’ll never…
Aw, come on, I missed this! I got custom 1:64 painted to match my current car (2017 Chevy Volt, off a Greenlight collectible) and my last car (2007 Saturn Ion, from a Hot Wheels).
For those in the showroom? Totally believable. The building is locked, after all. Or, you know, should have been.
Did the survey ask anything about being more restrictive about licensing and not allowing people who have been convicted of inebriated driving to get back behind the wheel?
Yeah, I’m treading carefully here but dealerships make mistakes; you can tell the good ones not by whether or not they make mistakes - not catching some dumb shit a kid did immediately - but how fast they make it right. Sounds like this VW dealer looked into it and made it right really fast. I’m honestly surprised as…
No, it’s silver.
Thanks for clarifying :)