Bote for Lalo!

And this is part of why I just do not interact with my family anymore. I do not give a fuck. If anyone I know helped this shit get elected or still supports(I don’t care, I’m just done with anyone who voted for him...fuck ‘em if they regret their decision...they’ve shown they are too stupid and selfish for me to every

This is exactly the same dumb take as “slavery ended 150 years ago, therefore there’s no need to talk about reparations.”

It’s been a state holiday in Texas for 40 years and a ceremonial holiday in a dozen more for ages

I love how she says toward the end that if you see an officer just please say thank you because she really doesn’t hear thank you enough. Why are we supposed to thank cops? It’s a job. They get paid. They have excellent benefits. They didn’t get drafted into this. They’re not soldiers fighting some evil enemy on our

Apparently the owners of the franchise called her to personally apologize while maintaining she technically wasn’t denied service, she declined her food. So just eye roll to those owners who can’t do the bare minimum and have their employees’ backs, especially if they watched the video and saw what every rational

Stacey does not appear to be the kind of calm, rational, centered person I would really want carrying a 9mm automatic pistol, but I’m a New Zealander so what would I know?

There is no draft for the police force, its just a job that no one forced you to do. If you are not happy for a job you applied for, change careers. If you want to stay and would like to be happy with the job you have, then you have to put in the effort to fix the things you do not like about it, which in this case is

Yep. The experience she’s describing has happened to me every time I have pre-ordered/paid for food at McDonald’s (meaning roughly a couple times a month). They don’t start making your order until you actually show up at the restaurant. That means that if it’s busy or you have a large order, you’re asked to park and

I saw this nonsense today. I don’t even go to fast food restaurants because I’m nervous there’s some uncouth teen cooking my food. I got sick one day at from eating fast food. Threw up EVERYWHERE. Stop whining. Also, did she say something about not getting “Thanks”????? For what? Doing your job? Welcome to probably

By not going and beating Becky like a drum she cut out about a billion naysayers that would have ended up saying the lady recording had done something first and was , “belligerent” or some such.

As a white guy I wish I could argue with you, but I have no ground to stand on.   You’re 100% right.  I’m glad pieces of shit like this are being exposed.

It’s like finding out Moe Tucker from the Velvet Underground was an outspoken Tea Party idiot.

I used to love Morrissey’s whining mope ballads until I found out that he’s an anti-Muslim garbage human! ...oh wait, that one’s legit.

I was SHOCKED to see that yesterday. Jim Gaffigan never even remotely tweets anything that could even be mistaken as political, ever. You know you fucked up if Jim Gaffigan is publicly upset at you.

Wait till Scott also finds out Tom Morello is Black and is an honors grad in poli-sci from Harvard...

Has it only been a couple years since Paul Ryan got fired? It feels like decades. 

No, no, no! We don’t want them to “keep it to themselves!” Let the scum motherfuckers out themselves, get fired and STARVE.

shaka, when the walls fell.

I agree with this. I chose to save Chloe in my game and watched the sacrifice ending after. While the save Chloe ending goes with the logic of “why would I save her so often through the game just to sacrifice her at the end”, the proper, Sacrifice Chloe ending has such a tragic depth to it. Max experienced this time

I completely agree. It seemed like the natural choice to make, but I have two friends who played the game that argued with me.