Bote for Lalo!

Their problem is that they aren’t actually for anything that a majority of people find palatable. They want to preserve the power of white men (already a minority), but really only wealthy white men. Seriously, you can’t really name anything else they want that anybody’s life better. Everything else is just in

That might require caring about human beings, even those that are scary Muslims.   That is not something a MAGAT will likely do.

Fuck you, Mike Pillow. 

The Republican Party is a criminal conspiracy bent on fascist rule in America. If you still support ANY Republican, you are a fascist who fundamentally hates democracy and basic human rights. The things the Constitution is supposed to be based on.

Pretty sure she’s done more for democracy than you have and it irritates that you made me type this.

Derek Jeter wasn’t hoping to strike out twice so it does totally changes thing. Nobody is criticizing going to a Taylor Swift concert but going to a game to maybe see Taylor Swift “watch a game”. If people went to a Mariah Carey concert to see Derek Jeter in the stands, then your point would be the same.

Place was sold out, full of people who’d traveled from all over the country to put on his jersey and watch him strike out twice.

I’m sure mom is super excited about her son’s impending immortalization in a song that makes him sound bad.

These read like the letters of two lower rung members of the Church of Scientology defending a higher-up as mandated.

I agree with all of this. Especially regarding the multifaceted, often-times paradoxical nature of human beings. I honestly think that any one of us can be a good, moral person and an irredeemable monster, all at the same time.

It’s a vexing scenario.

Bad people supporting bad people. If you have not read Demi Moore’s book I recommend reading it because Kutcher is awful. Moore alleges that he would give her booze and then threaten to post pictures of her drunk or passed out. And that is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to shitty things he did during their

The very essence of “Fuck around, find out.” I have less than zero sympathy for Grimes, what did you expect?

His agent Debra Branan was a close friend of the Touheys. She probably signed his paperwork. I wonder if someone will sue her in the future. She definitely received the movie information.

If they’d legally adopted him, he would be entitled to the same inheritance as their biological children.

Reminder as if anyone needs it that Republicans know their policies in general are not popular, and that’s why they usually focus on things like raising the voting age, making it harder to vote, securing and maintaining power without the need for voters, etc. Voters are an obstacle to the Republican goal of total

The people saying that this has nothing to do with her being Black is insane. The Black community takes missing Black women and girls pretty seriously online. It’s how we let the community know to look for people that the cops don’t care about it. On the one hand it does make Black people look bad if people are lying

These people do not know what goes into being trans. Trans girls and trans women take testosterone blockers and female hormones, and it changes their bodies a LOT. There are no “males” competing against females. Just because the majority of Americans are against something, does not make them right. There was a time

It’s possible to admire Navratilova for being a trailblazer back in the day and still be critical of her present stances. A lot of people’s views calcify as they age. Calling her out doesn’t diminish her previous revolutionary accomplishments.

It’s pretty depressing to see how the Right has succeeded in turning natural allies into enemies. Plenty of gay people and feminists have subscribed to the same conservative ideology over this issue. Especially the completely nonsensical argument that the existence of a tiny, tiny number of trans athletes somehow will