
Friendly games are not official games. That game was a friendly.

Shut it down, let's go home! We have a winner for 2013 story of the year.

You should have used the music from the Chinese basketball highlight from yesterday.

Hey I thought you guys were honest and corrected mistakes by crossing out rather than replacing text. You also often chastised other media outlets for using this strategy (albeit on a slightly larger scale). What gives? Now the other comments make no sense.

As an Inter fan, I totally back this.

Don't be stupid.

Thank you.

Is the owner of the website related to your resident Burke?

Thank you for this.

Yeah that's how the Packers are going to annihilate the Vikes on Sunday.... with field goals.

To himself.

"They are more likely, however, to funnel money into the secret underground construction of an anti-gravity death ray"

The title is only stating facts.

Tre in the hole

Regardless of how useful these things are, if they're prearranged why would he walk out on it and embarrass her like that live on TV? He's the jerk, end of.

Good job good effort.

Um, Andy Reid lost a son four months ago. The fact that he doesn't cry about it on TV at every opportunity like that dancing, prancing dude in Indianapolis doesn't (necessarily) mean it's not affecting him. The fact that his being understated about it is enough of a license for people to not factor it into the

Are they playing in someone's backyard?

Almost every *AFC* team is terrible. Seriously, just look at the wildcard round. How are these teams allowed to be in the playoffs? I would take the Panthers against every single team in the AFC that isn't Broncos or the Pats. Heck I'm tempted to even say the Detroit would be a good bet. It's just amazing to me how

*Facepalm* Did you even read what I....never mind.