
Cute...until the very end. Was that really necessary?

I don't read that to mean "in front of" like in the same room as, but rather, in the same apartment/house as your SO (or when they're aware that you're doing it). And that has to happen eventually. My fella made an announcement the first time he dropped a deuce at my place, and it went something like, "Well I've

Why so many shoes?

While we're on the subject... hey dudes: protein consumption is not an indefinite upward climb of muscle gain. Beyond a certain point, all you're doing is increasing your risk of kidney stones. And you'd be much better off simply eating meals with good sources of protein than drinking meathead milkshakes.

My wife chats about our sex life with her friends. How can women do this?

I unabashedly love this commercial. My dad and I laugh like we're unhinged every time we see it. Everyone knows That Guy. I think it's terrific advertising.

My mother loves this commercial. I usually see her on Wednesdays after work and she always says "it's hump dayyy" like the camel does at the end. I act like I hate it but I secretly love it.

It's sponsored by a running skirt company (Skirt Sports), hence the skirt chaser language. I don't know, it doesn't really get my rankles up.

Oookay...I always understood the term "skirt chaser" to mean a guy who is a big flirt, who is always, well, chasing women, not a rapist. Maybe a pickup artist at worst. But really, this seems like a play on words and not intended to imply that women are "running for their lives." Maybe more like "catch me if you can."

It took about a week and half for me to get an email response, and it came on Sunday, so I think they are working through it, they probably just got more reports than they have staff to handle.

Um, she got a nose job as well.

Ummm, no. Black people don't have the patent on being oppressed by The Man. If you think that: learn your history. Chinese Exclusion act. Orientalism. Internment camps and the treatment of Japanese Americans in WWII. Vincent Chen. Open your eyes and look the fuck around you and quit playing those damn

It looks like she got a nose job too, but I could be wrong. I know that talented make-up professionals can change the way noses/cheekbones look with contouring and whatnot.

Did she get her nose done, too, or is that the magic of contouring makeup?

I was thinking of the piece of shit who sits on the seat in the crowded train and splays his legs out at the widest possible angle and puts his arms across the backs of the seats so that if I want to sit down, I'm forced to fucking touch him and make myself small and uncomfortable (I am not a very small person), or to

Oh, you mean like the guy who stands in the doorway, taking up space and refusing to move as others try to enter and exit? Yeah, that guy definitely feels powerful, even though he's just a jackass.

Is it me or do models seem to have incredibly tiny nipples?

Anyone who has ever ridden the subway can confirm this.

Worst birthday present to get your father EVER.

I just want people to stop going to the emergency room for babies and horrific gonnerea. I mean I get that occasionally there are cases where you are surprised but mostly its cause you don't have a good medical support structure.