
I was gonna say “Coonette” But Cishet is inspired.

Cishet Michelle got bigger things to worry about. Like clocking in on time at the call center.

I’ve always considered the Nation of Islam and the 5 percenters to be engaging in orientalism. They aren’t really based on anything real from the Muslim world, just a mish mash of various beliefs that arose during a time when empowerment was needed and separation through religion was rising. The Nation of Islam is to

I would love Jezebel 1000% times more if they would drop the posts on d list jerkoffs that no one gives a shit about.

Age Ain’t Nothin But a Number came out in 1994. You had 23 years to realize that kind of person R Kelly was not to mention that tape being released. And he had that pro-rape song with Gaga that got so much flack they didn’t release the video (THANK GOD). The way that society continuously forgives sexual assault, rape

LOL no mames guey :]

Try the baby back ribs with the baby spinach and baby carrot starter. Lots of good tasting babies there.

Such an amazing film. I got to see it a week early and it’s been hard to keep all my thoughts to myself.

YEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! Can it please discuss the news of a potential Lifetime movie about the Menendez Brothers that would include Courtney Love in the cast?!?

Honestly it only occurred to me recently. It’s been rumored that she was a beard for A LOT of the men she dated, but it only recently dawned on me that it could be mutually beneficial and she may actually be into the ladies herself.

No, it’s occurred to a lot of people, they just tend to comment more when Bobby has written the article.

Nope. You are the first person to ever uncover this critical conspiracy theory. Congratulations!

I like seeing celebrity relationships where the people in them give about as much of a shit as I do.

I can breakdown it down for you quick:

I can understand why her friends would want to stage an Intervention, but you can do one of those without televising it. Rehab, too.

It’s not her support of Bernie Sanders that makes me question her feminism, but the fact that she chooses to define Clinton by her relationship to her father and her husband, rather than any actual merits or her own accomplishments.

I need a Lisa Frank Bitmoji YESTERDAY!