
I recently turned 40 and the best thing about it is my increasing sense of comfort in not giving one fuck what people think about me. I’ve heard the name Amber Rose but seriously had no idea who she was until now and I really like her style. I’ve made a lot of missteps in life and used to judge myself very harshly. I

I mean... don’t we all? My husband’s awesome but lord jesus my teens and early 20's were a shit show.

Kanye is wack as hell. The end. He couldn’t even settle this nonsense without slut shaming Amber, and bringing in her child.

I’m happy for nate parker truly. And nat turner’s rebellion is not something that gets taught in schools so this is important. With that being said. Not surprising. White people love slave narratives. As a black woman I’m over it. Black Americans are more and did more than slavery. Call me back when there’s a fantasy

If I’m paying 31 million buckaroos for my wedding, it must include Idris Elba interrupting the proceedings, declaring his everlasting love for me and marrying me on the spot while David Bowie sings “Life on Mars.” For starters.

It’s not the job of this feature to educate readers about lupus—especially when Ms. Gomez doesn’t speak about it at length in what Billboard has released of the interview. She moves from lupus to her new album, so I moved from lupus to Bow Wow.

EXACTLY. I love Wait Wait. She was a perfect guest for their brand of radio—self-deprecating, funny, & gracious. People need to get over themselves.

But WGBH has Jim and Marjory!

You know, I am a big public radio person. NPR all day, every day, not kidding. But I know that public radio fans are also the kind of people who send legit HATE MAIL when someone pronounces an obscure word wrong. And Wait Wait listeners tend to be especially pedantic and cranky. So this does not surprise me.

I hope this is the kick in the pants that TLC needs to get this disgusting family off of TV. Hopefully this will end Josh’s political career as well. Everything about this is truly sickening.

I wish someone would do a long think piece on the fall of Robin Thicke. When he was an obscure, blue-eyed soul singer who could pack a theater full of sistas, butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. His reputation was limited to being a little coke-y, but utterly devoted to his high school sweetheart turned wife, Paula

If I were Sofia I would eat those fucking embryos on toast like they were fucking caviar.

Gotta love how all the judgment is thrown that the woman, and not at any of the 25 dudes who had sex with her, presumably quite well aware of what was going on.

What if we treated white men like this just for, like, an hour a year? So they know what it’s like.

It’s The Boston Herald. This is what they do. And it isn’t ‘journalism’.

People in Boston—racist? I thought all that hush-hush segregation was just for funsies.

As someone who works in HR, I will confirm everything he said about HR. We're not here for you, Mr. Employee. If we can do something to help you that is not detrimental to the company, then we will. But if something benefits you that hurts the company, forget about it!