
I love that place more than anything. If ever in Maryland again you need to go to the one in the Inner Harbor and in Annapolis in the same month as the one in Roland Park - they switch around their pancake and omelet specials. Will also say I will go with you because my husband gotten breakfast hipster and now gets

Miss Shirley’s is the greatest! It’s right down the block from my college (I think that’s the one you’re at, based on the photo). In my junior and senior years during finals week, I would inevitably have to pull an all nighter putting together a design portfolio. I would reward myself by going to Miss Shirley’s the

None of this is new. The whole Atwater southern strategy still has inertia and the GOP and bill Clinton himself has stoked lower class white resentment for votes ever since.

I have been saying it. He will win. Now what happens when he does is the real question. Never mind. They will seat him because they need the votes. Let’s be honest, all of this is for nothing.

You’re over thinking. He’s a Republican. White people in the Deep South will only vote Republican. Culture/heritage will always outweigh common decency, good sense and morals.

Oh lord Panama. The ONLY thing southerners don’t want to be told to do is not be racist and Roy Moore isn’t going to tell them that so they’ll vote for him no matter what the hell he’s done. That’s it. That’s all. Quit buying into these excuses that have been rolling off their tongues since they forced that compromise

I lost my dad at 30, and unraveled very, very quickly after. I’m only just recovering from some of the self-sabotage that grief-stricken me indulged in (almost 3 years later). I cannot imagine having gone through that and not even being allowed to mourn at age 12.

I’m guessing this is one of the White Thanksgivings where the people do know how to cook 😉

VSB already addressed this, and the answer is dressing.

I came here to say the same thing. The Kardashians, all except one, are raising Black children and married/dating Black men. If you want to be in the culture, really be in the culture. They have the money and power to help. It’s time they start using all that social media clout to do something good for the world.

You know, I watched a clip of her being interviewed on Fallon (by guest host Jennifer Lawrence). She was asked how she feels about Black Chyna. Kim’s response was that her niece would one day see and read things about her parents and things she’d said. She wished Chyna the best and left it at that. I was genuinely

I didn’t know about the cornbread thing.

I don’t think there is a difference. I know there is a difference.

Someone that actually knows what dressing is.

I don’t believe the attention-starved fame whores in these ads. Sorry, but just presenting claims with no other evidence isn’t enough for me. How do we know these women aren’t just making this up for the payday?

It actually bothers me whenever someone calls him “Judge Moore”, which everyone (even his critics) seems to do. He’s NOT a judge. He’s not even a retired judge; he was FIRED from that job TWICE for violating his oath. He shouldn’t get to keep the honorific for a job that he repeatedly and gleefully dishonored.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it here again: They don’t care because he’s promised to fight abortion and gay marriage and put Jesus on the flag and make that flag fly in every classroom where every student will have to salute it.

Interesting side fact. Moore saw his wife when she was 15, dancing in a dance recital (no word on why a single man of 29 was at a middle/high school dance recital). He was struck by her and remembered her 8 years later when he met her again. I wonder if he ever went after a woman anywhere near his own age who might be

People that thank the difference between dressing and stuffing is whether it was cooked in the bird should only bring paper plates and plastic eating utensils to family gatherings. I wouldn’t even trust y’all to bring sodas.

It’s nice to know visiting the Apple store is as exhausting for other people also. I went to mine a few months ago after my iPhone abruptly stopped working and while I had an appointment with a genius, I was still told to sit in the waiting area where the seating looked like crates that had washed ashore after a ship