That ... ... whatever she’s wearing... toroughly not OSHA-compliant for a construction site.
That ... ... whatever she’s wearing... toroughly not OSHA-compliant for a construction site.
She is a disgrace.
“How did we get stuck in this one?”
Just Imagine if Chelsea Clinton, Rhodes Scholar and PhD holder, did this. The outrage would blow up the world.
Thank you for this.
Personally I think we either didn’t sacrifice enough goats to our gods or we sacrificed too many goats to our gods.
“Fund women entrepreneurs”...because we’re all supposed to pretend that’s what Ivanka is...a “female entrepreneur”, a bold and brilliant woman who courageously started her own wildly successful business from scratch, all by herself. EVERYONE is well aware that’s a crock of cow-flop, nothing but a total lie but…
America is the estranged and bitter teenager who just lectured Europe-Mom for being a drunk divorcee, slammed the car door, yelled “I’ll never be like you!”, reversed out of the driveway, and straight into a passing bus.
If they’re trying to convince me that he doesn’t have Alzheimer’s and the only person who can manage him is his daughter, they’re failing. Miserably.
It makes me sick how we’re all supposed to mindlessly buy into Daughter Dingus’ pathetic phony creation myth, like she’s anything more than a spoiled little airhead who owes everything she has to the money her awesome daddy swiped from other people. Look at her, sitting there with that moronic pucker on her plastic…
If Trump being unelected, unconfirmed, and unaccountable to anyone but her father was not enough to send you into a rage, remember she still owns businesses that operate in most G-20 nations.
Women’s clothing is inherently different than men’s clothing. They make workplace dresses with no sleeves for women. I’ve worn them with no problem in Corporate America for years. I can’t think of a male equivalent. Even the most casual male business shirts have sleeves. They can’t just arbitrarily change the rules…
I live in queens, and it pisses me off to no end how familiar Spanish kids of all stripes are with using that word in both the a and r formats.
This needs more Idris Elba
They signed during that brief window of time where it seemed like people in the industry cared about the fact that he was a rapist and sexual harasser. Now many of them are working in an industry that has made it abundantly clear that they don’t give a shit.
As cliché as it sounds, I love this country. This country gave refuge to my entire family, and I will be grateful for as long as I live. And entirely understand that this country has not been as generous or as good to other peoples. I was not brought here in chains nor were my people indigenous and decimated, and…
I’m so sorry for your loss and for the fact that you had to deal with awful, shitty people as well. Thank you for sharing your story and perspective here.
More like white on brown.
^^ This, Hachi. So much ^^