
The minute he opens his mouth in the 1st episode.

It bothered me for years, long before he entered the political sphere, that his previous catchphrase - “You’re fired” - was already a catchphrase. Were the rejected options “Go ahead, make my day” and “Remember the Alamo”?

Breanna, shouldn’t this be filed under WYPIPO?

I AM DYING!!!!!!!

We’re gonna send that nuke to Taaaaaajiiikastaaaaaaaaaan!!!

from my vantage point, even one would be more than all her peers combined.

But also, who watches Morning News? I get up, start my coffee, feed my dogs. Then I check my email, respond to the important ones, make calls, check in with the local news sites and legitimate news sites and then browse my guilty pleasure sites before I shower and get ready. The “TeeVee” doesn’t come on.

“Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody that has been doing a great job and I really enjoyed his storyline in “Westworld” and I can’t wait to see what we have in store for season 2. Now that he knows he’s a robot, what’s next? And Rosa Parks? Why did she get off of the train?”

It was… a choice.

- Their Hair: When can you touch it?

The people over at Full Frontal were kind enough to leak the White House’s entire itinerary for the month:

agreed. he’s too smart to be exploited. move along...

I never understood MMA until I started kickboxing myself. A group of friends were doing it and convinced me to come with and to my amazement, I not only am pretty good at it, but I love it. I feel so alive when doing it. I am completely in the moment. I concentrate totally on my opponent, analyzing and understanding

This dumbfuck’s continued existence is proof that the Clintons don’t have people killed.

I understand the impulse, but as with anything else, context matters. I didn’t get even a whiff of mean-spiritedness while watching this, but more importantly, I trust Marshawn. Dude’s an inveterate defender of his own dignity and constitutionally incapable of putting up with bullshit — mountains of money be damned.

He voluntarily exchanged messages with a 15 year old girl. It’s one thing for the puritanical moral outrage over some politician cheating on his wife, it’s a whole other thing when an actual predator gets his comeuppance for being a predator. He’s not a victim.

I love his crazy ass.

Thank you for this... made me laugh out loud. He was great in the woods on the Bear Grylls show too...

I can see what you’re saying and I think you’re looking too hard to find fault everywhere. Marshawn is funny, real, and has built a strong hustle spreading smiles.

And, if his efforts inspire young men to stay real