

Thanks! I like it here.

The Fox spokesmodel/Ivanka blonding of society made me dye my hair dark brown.

I came here for this! I was gonna have to find it to post if someone else hadn’t done the Lord’s work for me

Honey, this sounds exactly like my life...BEFORE my divorce. Run.

I, a 33-year-old professional woman, sleep nightly with a 3' stuffed shark. Sharks are THE BEST. You’re doing the lord’s work!

Seconded. I’ve been reading all the thinkpieces about “what Van Jones said” all day, but upon actually watching the clip, I’m seeing this more as a warning than as a moment of praise.

Yesss - so excited she’s continuing to be awesome. I sent her a half dozen books with black protagonists for her book drive last year, and it was the best cause I’ve supported in a while.

John Mulaney! In 2009, too...

Shit, he and Michael are through this season???

Well said!

“He can do no wrong in my book.”

Especially since LaKeith Stanfield is hands down the BEST part of it!

That headline. Literally dead.

Disclaimer: My first reaction to Marshawn’s retirement (after extreme disappointment) was ohmygod please let him make a TV show about doing things retired people do. My argument then, as now, is that people love watching Marshawn interact with other people and situations because he’s clearly a smart guy who enjoys

1.) Great way to write off getting in shape as a business expense; and