
For those of you with Android phones, like me, download Voice Actions in the Market. Its free, and does everything Siri does. Sure, its not as clean as Siri is, as far as integration and look, but it works. I assume now that Siri is out on iPhone, this app on Android will get more users.

"I think Im in the wrong line..."

Its either a hygiene issue, or this young man recently discovered masturbation.

@Sir Beefychu: I prefer green products. But dont let anyone tell you they dont harm the environment as much as their manufactured counterparts.

Maybe that Best Buy gift card I got for my birthday in January that was spent to preorder this game will have it showing up for my next birthday?

This is true. Verizon's coverage is big enough as it is. AT&T needed TMobile, as oposed to spending 5years installing new towers just to match the coverage they would gain by purchasing them. Verizon wouldnt benefit much in the coverage department, but more in the subsciber area.

@MacAttack: You never know, they may change. Maybe it will be akin to something that is in my wife's Kia Soul: a USB port that allows control of iDevices through the radio itself. Except, it has to be a SPECIFIC USB to 30pin cable. Your standard iPhone cable wont let it function, or even charge.

The writeup about Police being more likely to report teen cell phone users involved in crashes is complete bs. Sure, now the police can charge the driver with an extra charge, but whenever there is an accident, the investigation will always include the cause. Just because it wasnt illegal before, doesnt mean police

Gotta love the massage that comes with a haircut. I loved that when I was in Afgan in 04. Wish they did that in the US.

Gotta love Android. Companies roll out a new flagship device and it runs on outdated software. At least it isnt a Samsung device. HTC is usually on point when it comes to OS updates. Sadly, I will stick to my Droid X for a little while longer, as I dont want to shell out what is almost equal to one months rent.

What, no swimsuit?

@PsiWren: Actually, someone here is telling us that as humans, we dont have a record of all natural disasters in Earth's history. Therefore we cannot accurately predict them, nor state that this is something new in our planet's history. Come Jan 2013, the gullable fairytale believers will come up with a new date

@dcdttu: Your friend's 4G connection wins because he is the only one with T-Mobile.

"We love Netflix streaming more than some of our own family members, and it does have a pretty great catalog..."

Who ever named it deserves a promotion.

I cant believe no one has thought of this:

Id rather be seen with a 3d printed fanny pack.

@Y2KGTP: Color cartridges are too expensive.

Though Im not a big PC game player, I would give the DX11 performance edge to nVidia. Top of the line AMD cards that have crazy specs only see minor increases in FPS running DX11 games. It would be my guess that because of that observation, a dual-chip nVidia GPU will crush the AMD competition.