
Did anyone else think the cop who was going to shoot Talbot was Patton Oswalt and get confused?

Time travelling Agent Carter would be a worthy replacement for Coulson.

What would be the point in including the snap? It has nothing to do with the story SHIELD has been telling all season and it’s very likely to be undone anyway in Avengers 4 (and SHIELD season 6 will come out after that.)

...what’s wrong with Runaways and Exiles?


It’s weird how they just announced this now? Could it be that the last eight episodes need some serious re-editing or reshoots?

Where’s the letter grade?

How do we know the Stan in this video isn’t CGI?

It will allow something that will never happen, yes.

Isn’t the whole thing where Netflix have the inernational rights going to be a major problem to Amazon?

Which was bullshit.

Season one was much better than Iron Fist.

This was...definitely better than a C+. Stop being so Dowdy.


Seems like you can stand it?

Seems like Cumming could have said a lot more about Singer...

Fattie fat fat fat!

Even kids with chicken pox?

Is David ever going to ask about his sister?

Because he was their king?