You are cool. Some people just don't like Wes.
Would you like to see (more irony)?
Excellent point.
Someone has to tell people they're ugly.
The girls were for sure interested in talking to him. I would have loved it if he actually tried having a conversation, though, instead of saying 'you're pretty. how old are you? where do you live?'
I always forget to turn that shit off.
I did too, but then realized it was someone else when there was no mention of fried bacon or simmering duck fat.
I agree the age discrepancy is irrelevant, but when you are an internationally known footballer, you probably look a little creepy trying to pick up 19 year olds on Instagram.
As others have said, he is only 24. That gap does not seem unreasonable.
I can't find a .gif.
It's just the cancer-inhibiting cannabis working on my short term memory, then.
My replies got swapped for some reason. Maybe public school wasn't much better for me. Sorry about that.
It certainly does, and I am glad she is receiving treatment. I think that there are intelligent 17 year olds who would want to deny treatment or 'run away' from the fear of cancer too, though. Her mother should be doing a much better job of helping her face that fear.
Her mother definitely is not giving her sound medical advice.
While that's possible, it's also possible that she is terrified and isn't thinking about the situation with the same perspective as we might.
lol, how'd you know i'm off at six?! #NSA
If I could get 'cannabis' high to the point that a face tattoo was pleasant, I would definitely spend my Thursday afternoon doing that. I would just skip the tattoo...if I could.