His stage name wasn’t Eddie Creative Commons...
Based on the proximity of scissors to heads in the trailer I am going to say yes.
*Sound Engineer who Didn’t bleep that speaking with HR*
I recently ranted about this to someone. Cate Blanchett is EVERYTHING Bond should be: intelligent, elegant, sense of humor, badass, unflappable, hot as all hell and motherfucking cool.
I came down to the comments to drag James Bond as a concept - it’s a wholly stupid franchise that’s only carried by hunks in lead roles and r-i-d-c-u-l-o-u-s production expenditures - but then I saw your comment about Goddess Cate, who can do no wrong and now I’m all like YASSSS CATE BLANCHETT AS THE NEXT BOND!!!! I…
She could star as a young M in a series of MI-6 prequels. Your welcome, Hollywood.
Perfect gif is perfect.
“Come for the boobs,stay and get crabs while here!”
I was adopted as a baby, and when I was a youngster I used to fantasize about Meryl being my real mom.
OMG that’s how I feel about myself.
I always wanted to be Meryl. I gave UP the stage because I knew I’d never be THAT good. But then, no one is.
Baskets has given me new found love and appreciation for Louie.
Going topless in ocean city would be like going topless at waffle house
Top two reasons I go are Blue Crabs and pit beef! Also the Conowingo dam, Annapolis and St Michaels. But yes boobies as well.
I love that this .gif says Divx on it! I miss Divx....