
All I know is I wish I was that high right now.

Glad to hear he's not aloof. I guess I meant the title/label made him sound like he didn't realize who he was. Kinda like Derek Zoolander.

Feminist Who Doesn't Know He's A Feminist Until You Tell Him sounds a little bit aloof to me.

Filed to: clithate <——lol

Lara Stone be rocking that cradle!!

WHOA, this bitch is crazy.


I agree with the second part.

Can't find the .gif where Jenny tells Forrest he 'can sit here' so this will have to do:

Beam us up, Scotty!

I dig all the trees and mountains and rivers and animals, tho. They're chill.

Is there a doctrine on drugging and raping women? Oh, God, get me the fuck off this planet.

Sporadic use of all caps+Poor spacing after periods+Inordinate use of adverbs=Denial

My Tinder dating life is more like 'Hey, how's it going? What do you like to do for fun? That picture of you is hilarious.' And then a lifetime of never hearing back.


Something, something, Whoopi Cushion. (<—Someone help me out.)

This was incredibly helpful. Thank you.

Yeah, I can't wait for the sequel/spinoff either.

If I really wanted to impress a man, I would laugh at his jokes to make him feel funny, and ask him questions about himself to make him feel special and show I'm interested. I also make cakes for guys on special occasions. Or give him a sexy dance because it would turn him on and hopefully lead to more. No, really