The Boss

That’s the worst gamestop story I’ve ever heard.

When I was refused to buy a copy of Steins;gate (which is a 15) despite being 19. Being a dwarf sucks!

No bad videogame store experiences that I can think of.

A Bug’s Life respectfully...disagrees?


The words “DLC” and “expansion” are pretty interchangeable nowadays. The expansions for the various Fallout and Mass Effect games are always called DLC, even though they might as well be full-fledged expansions.

I just beat the campaign and feel betrayed by Solas. So now I want to get my revenge haha

Now playing

Track: The Ecstasy of Gold | Album: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly Soundtrack | Artist: Ennio Morricone

Protip: if you get stuck, the internetz should have solutions in no time too.

I don't play Mobil games cause playing on my phone kills my hands and battery. It's good to hear it's fun. I'm not sure what it is but tombraider has been knocking it out man. Can't wait for the new one!

I don’t know if that’s a joke, but it’s hilarious.

Everytime I play this game it has a new time feel to me. There’s not very many games that do that for me, if any.

The tech is actually fine for the most part. Sprite art of that era might as well be timeless, and the soundtrack is one of the most memorable. I think it’s the writing that suffers the most when revisiting 6, at least for me.

it takes a level of imagination that is lost from advancement. I LOVE this game. it has all of my nostalgia dancing on mah nuts. but i cant expect most to share my love if theyve never played it

Based just on that, I’m not sure how I feel about Northbot. I liked the cadence of Dinklage’s voice, even if he sounded a little dispassionate at times. I know for sure that I’ll miss some of Dinklebot’s stuff, at least for a while.