The Boss

I want to see this, but two things are holding me back:

Hopefully like the various Iron man Armours and the Cap suit. Ant Mans suit will evolve in future movies. I really hope that Scott becomes Giant Man in the sequel. To be honest I just want to have a movie about Michael Pena’s character. I want to see him team up with Darcy from the Thor movies and Foggy from Daredevil

Tis’ the season for Fallout, and Baty Alquawen knows how to do it right with this killer Vault dweller/Wendy the

Not all steaks were created equal. This one was on sale.

bacon with a rash.

I totally agree, but I couldn’t help but giggle when I read ‘insert other meat here’...

What is a ‘rasher’ of bacon?

Don’t care; not giving up steak, hamburgers, wurst, brisket, pulled pork, ribs, ham, scrapple, taylor ham, insert other meat here.

I was wondering why A) They didn’t head up the fire escape that was behind them up the alley a bit. yeah it had some garbage at the bottom that you’d have to get over, but it’s a better shot than waiting for the Fuckton to catch up and corner you.

How did you know my fists are tiny?

You will see it. And you will wave your tiny fist and say “Fauxcused was right, damn him!”

You guys watch too much Game of Thrones. Main characters don’t have to die for the show to be good.

Which is why they migrated there after the fall of Barad-Dur.

I’m going to refrain from smacking you because I don’t know where you live.

Actually it’s more accurate to say that he created the books just for the languages.

So............. surely I’m not alone in thinking Ant-Man was shit, right? Lame villain and plot, boring writing, lackluster performances all around... I’ll be passing on the sequel.