The Boss

Ni No Kuni. Because god damn it’s gorgeous. But it came out at a time where I was too busy for games of that length, and I immediately hated the battle system upon getting the second human character and having her AI more or less commit suicide against a boss.

Alright. Let’s be honest. Who else forgot this game existed until reading this?

No, this one

Driving the Mako around was one of the most entertaining things to do in Mass Effect. really bummed when they took it out

Now playing

When I see art like this I’m reminded of this again,

Wayne Haag is a veteran sci-fi artist from Australia who has worked on movies like Lord of the Rings, The Fifth

This Hitman movie, for example, is a fairly standard example of what I’d call European trash action. Like The Transporter or Banlieue 13 or Taken.

This article is really odd. Author wants to compare FO3 to GTA or AC but it never occured to him that it should be compared to other RPGs such as Magicka or FO 1-2... And then you’d realize FO3 was actually several steps back in terms of RPG structure.

Ubisoft has way of really scaring me away from their games by just looking at the maps.

No kidding. Gave me anxiety just looking at the damn thing.

Playing almost any other video game diminished my enjoyment of Destiny.

That is a disgustingly bad map.

a map of boring work*

Except it is an RPG.

a map of busy work

Not if you weren’t driving recklessly and it was a legit accident. Those do happen

Because the current one is three thousand dollars. It’s not worth nearly that much.