The Boss

They will need to leave the Asylum first.

Or to abuse the drop-attack. At least, that was how I figured out how to beat him (first or second try ;) )

Good for them. Someone send me a quark when they beat another boss. What’s a quark you say? It’s the form of communication I speculate we’ll be using by the time they reach the Taurus demon.

Solid new dance moves, too.

Destiny, a yearlong beta for a video game that will be released this September.” What an awesome line. Genuinely cracked me up. Cheers.


Everyone uses Tinder to connect with their platonic female friends and siblings, so this interpretation of a Tinder ad makes a lot of sense to me.

Cass or bust. New Vegas needs some representation!

Not even looking at her emotional state, is her body even ready for this? How is this going to affect her long term health? If he really wanted to protect the mother as he puts it, he would have taken that into consideration. I hope he gets raked over the coals for that awful answer.

He probably also wouldn’t support financial support for her when she needs it to sustain a child and the psychological counseling of it.

One is the child; the other is that birth mother who often will go through extraordinary guilt years later when she begins to think through what happened — with the baby, with her.

Then you know absolutely NOTHING about him and should follow Evan’s advice here. The man knows what he’s talking about.

I have a very clear memory, from when I was about 12, of my mother angrily telling me about a family we knew from church, and how their horrible daughter, who was a few years years older than me, had “ruined her family” by reporting that her stepfather had molested her. It didn’t even occur to my mother, or anyone

Thank you for writing about this. I remember in the 7th grade that there was an 8th girl, kind of popular and already developing, who was rumored to be “having an affair” with the PE teacher/football coach. I remember at that time that we blamed her - that we thought she was a “slut,” that we though she had enough

Hudin’s run was just terrible IMO, it felt like the work of a teenager desperately trying to make his favorite character “the most awesome evar!” at the expense of everyone and everything else. Defenitly give Priest’s run a shot, it’s excellent.

I’m not familiar with the ‘90s Panther... I didn’t read many comics then, maybe there were just too many pouches for me. This article makes me think I should check it out though, since T’challa has always been my favorite Avenger.

I got my first introduction to Black Panther reading The Avengers v5 and New Avengers V3, before and during Time Runs Out? He’s Neil Degrasse Tyson with 3x as much muscle mass and the fighting skills of Anderson Silva, who is also a king of the most technologically advanced country on Earth in 616. Who said black

Black Panther is easily my most anticipated movie of Phase 3. The implications for its successful execution and potentially successful box office run would be huge.