Why did you make my morning sad? His absence grows more and more noticeable
Why did you make my morning sad? His absence grows more and more noticeable
Is there a calendar for the tendency events? I always wanted to go back and get through that first locked gate at the start of Boletarian Palace. My tendency was always too fucky to unlock it though.
She’s similar to Greg Kinnear, who looks like he’s been crying always.
I was partial to Tamara myself.
Why do any of that when I can go explore a small island, complete with jungles, steep ocean cliffs and Mayan ruins?? Seriously the adventure feels endless at times.
That was hot, miz. I love women who appreciate handy men.
Hipsters are Clever didn’t you know?
Regarding Iris, my issue was mostly about Barry pining over her. So it’s something that put me off initially, because it made her seem more of an object to create tension. I hear theories that suggest the Flash finale may influence Arrow, so I’m hoping to catch up before then. So it’s good to hear that she improves.
What you say of Arrow is mostly true. Season 1, however, had all the trappings of teen soap. Bitchy characters, (Thea!), love triangles (hey Tommy/Ollie/Laurel!)... But they’ve largely veerjer away from that in the next two seasons thankfully. And Thea has grown into her character, I’d be sad if she wasn’t a brat…
He is but a man.
Give the threaded cane a try, it sounds lame but it turns into a bladed whip that is very handy at whipping enemies into submission. I beat Darkbeast Paarl very easily with it, just by lashing his face repeatedly until he staggers.
Which small lantern are you referring to?
Eh it’s just one ending, and still hardly revelatory becausar he didn’t mention the context or implications, you’re good.
The new Icarus sounds like it’s mixed from Mass Effect’s ‘New Worlds’.
This woman seems full to the brim of useful energy. I needed to read this today and I’m looking forward to buying her book.
Tacky. He’s a fine man.
He hasn’t reached controller-throwing levels of pain and anguish yet. How cute.
Well I mean he did train under 100x gravity.....