The Boss

Well to be fair, [L1] to Even Odds seems to summon the batmobile, which is way more than an arbitrary QTE.

Can you think of a better way, other than grapple lock-on, for them to implement grapple-hooking in a sandbox with hundreds of grapple points?


We've even got screen caps of one being fought on the Catoblepas entry of the FF wiki, so I'm guessing that's the case.

I was torn between buying Bloodborne or a $60 FF demo this month. I picked Bloodborne.

I may just be in a legal state by the time Texas even thinks about legalization/decriminalization.

That's how it should work ideally, an actual oz would last a month. But lately it's about every 3 weeks... And my smoking hasn't increased, so

The price I listed is average between two guys; one guy had good shit, very consistent.

I pay 250/oz. I was worried I was getting white man priced.

I've never heard the term 'white man price', and Google brings up nothing. Cab you explain?

We JUST watched that episode, funny stuff!

That's one lot lizard I'd hang out with at a rest stop.

My obsession with faces kept me from chatting Tali up, so I missed that one :(

Yes! I'd forgotten exactly how amusing that exchange was, thanks.

Liara makes a passing statement in the Shadow Broker DLC, that a common nickname for asari genetalia is 'azure'.

Proudmoore here as well!

It's weird that his opinion bothers you so much.


I once mistook one customer for another when processing an item exchange. The mistaken customer glared for a really long moment before saying "I guess we all look the same." She was black.

Or just churro balls. Yeah I just don't get it.