This is a cute take.
One, the rules are primarily in place to prevent terrorists from using assumed identities. Two, since his 18-year-old son did not check-in, he was a “no-show” and essentially relinquished his “paid-for” seat. Three, this was apparently a sold-out flight, and some adult had paid for and expecting to use that seat. …
3.6 sounds better and turbo’s put added strain on the power train which may compromise its longevity. Plus, I want my engines heavier! And 3.6 is more than 2.0! MORE!
You expect me to settle for a common engine like a V-8? What, do you want me to be mistaken for a poor?
To express their inner 12 yr old on the road.
This is what goes through their head:
Wait, is somebody actually trying to solve a problem before it gets out of hand and the government has to get involved? Are they allowed to do that?
I’ll admit it, I cried when my dad sold his red Saab. I loved riding in that thing. It was the car that brought me home from the hospital and the one that took him to and from work each day.
Thank you for this, every time I read a review of a cheap new car that complains about cheap interior pieces, I want to scream “IT’S A CHEAP CAR NOT A NEW PORSCHE” You can’t have a expensive interior in a car and the car still be cheap.
Anybody know how much a professional spray job like this one costs?
Because consumers are sort of dumb and prone to buy from brand and model recognition than actual qualities of the said product.
As much as the NHTSA loves to mandate things left right and center like backup cameras, and it makes me crazy. These electronic nannies are likely to be one of their next mandates. But, I wish part of the mandate for things like this was not only the ability to disable them, but the ability to do so permanently using…
Went to read the comments on this Chiron article and found myself reading about the trophy truck article below. Anyone else hate this new setup?
These forever-scrolling blogs are a freaking packaging nightmare.
He died because of these infinitely scrolling blog pages. What a tragedy.
Amtrak is nuts. Evidently it’s $300 to go from DC to Boston but only $230 to go across country.
it is a Power Ranger. Bye I will see myself out
Summer tires on a RWD car in the snow is the worst. Scariest time I ever did behind the wheel. Never again.
Iowa. Many of them have rusty rocker panels, but are still running strong.