
I want my tax dollars back from this one.

Corners? Where were going, we don’t need corners.

look how far away he was when he could first see them. His “attempt” was very poorly timed.

Just go to the website?

The new Jaguar XE is actually pretty damn nice, especially if you want something different.


“Hacking” was a lot less prevalent in the early days of computing due to lack of incentive. PC’s were not mainstream and the general impact was minimal. As our reliance on devices and their ubiquity grew, so did nefarious/stupid acts.

So basically a large scale automated version of Waze - at least, as presented here. Considering how often I have to slam on the brakes at speed on the highway when traffic suddenly slows for absolutely no reason, the extra warning or automation could be useful when I can’t see around the Ford Excessive in front of me.

How about you fix the fucking roads first before trying to get cars to talk to each other.

NO! You damn well know if this happens, the government will use the info to find out how fast you drive, where you drive, and whatever else they want to collect. And DON’T think your insurance company won’t be using this data either!

That’s it! Now we can do the sequel, Mustang Parts.

And men shouldn’t have to wear uncomfortable, stuffy, constraining suits and tuxes. But it looks good, so we do it for important occasions or to earn money.

But it doesn’t sound just as good...