
I don't see why two aspirin couldn't work. You'd put one between your knees and one between your butt cheeks. If that doesn't work, switch your GF out for Sandra Fluke. Best. Birth control. Evah!

but it's a solid step in minimizing the distractions while driving.

The Pettitte Particle Accelerator

When you pull out your GN, you have to do your best Paul Hogan voice and say, "Now THIS is a phone!".

The point is, there is no "Best" device.

Did somebody say, "Wild Thing"?

I gave my health for peace. Oh, and we were the original Indians.

The politically correct phrase is: "Native American giver".

3. Bring it to Android.

Bring it to Android!

He's not pissed off. He's just the only one of the bunch with big enough balls to actually be CEO of Apple. And he will be soon enough. Watch your back, Cookie.

Not quite. They just decided he wasn't white enough.

Like I said... the guy gets viral. I really like his new podcast almost as much as he doesn't like that little twit with screwed up hair and an inability to tolerate dissent Clay Aiken.

The only guy left on Unanimous with any understanding of viral was Penn Jillette, and he's way too intellectual for that team.

Now playing

Actually, this was America's first private spaceshit. Hit reply if you actually remember this show!

Now playing

Tower, this is Ghost Rider, requesting a flyby. Negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.

Hearted for using a SotL reference. Classic.

Some of us walk a very fine line here.

I am dying to make something inspired by this as a WIMM One watchface. Star me (again, I got mine taken away for calling a stupid story stupid) if you think that would be cool!

The two things that would make the iPad way better is if Obama weren't President and if my wife were as stacked as whoever Mitt is talking about now.