
I wanted to see the part where Joba blew up his ankle.

Even all the pot smokers realize full well that this is about priorities at the DOJ. They can very easily decide not to prosecute these. How about the Defense of Marriage Act? That's also Federal Law, and the Obama Administration (which you're just ball washing, BTW) has refused to defend that in court and will likely

John Elway (right) does not look anything like SJP.

We get it. You're a serious stoner. Because if you took 20 seconds to listen to Penn's argument, or were just generally aware of what Holder's DOJ has done with respect to medical marijuana, you'd know that even the finest weed could not forgive your complete ignorance.

What the hell do you have against sausage?

That awkward moment when the Gizmodo censor decides whether to be ironic.

When Gawker Media has its IPO, we'll be there too after we put in our buy order for NASDAQ:DBAG.

Here's some perspective for you youngins... 20-40 years olds who think this guy is a traitor and should be taxed until he can't afford toilet paper.

In every View subclass, I write an ArrangeControls function. It takes the screen size and dpi into account and arranges the controls. Might take 30 minutes of a half day creating a view. Really, it's that simple. It's a lot like wiping my ass. I'm sure when I was 3 or 4, I had to think about it a couple of times, but

Spoken like a consumer without an understanding of development.

And you know what? They haven't considered it an issue for the 2.5 years since the OG Droid and Nexus One appeared on the scene. It's a lot like "distracted driving". Makes great sensational headlines, while the actual data shows that more and more of us talk or text while driving and that accidents and deaths per

It's not. Fragmentation is a problem for hipsters.

Amen brother. Let's face facts here. iPhone people hate anything that isn't either black or white, and they value white things more. See resale values on Craigslist.

Funny you use the word "sprawl" to describe this. It's the common hipster complaint of suburbia, that we don't live packed into uniformly sized and painted silos on square blocks within walking distance of a metro station to take us 2 miles to work. But you know, suburbanites generally see sprawl as a feature, not a

Drudge still does almost 800M page views per month with 13M+ uniques. He drives more traffic to newspapers than Twitter. He is still extremely relevant.

Now playing

Drudge. That. Gizmodo, fuck yeah! Now, gimme back my star!

That looks like an asymptote in their simple math.

I think it's cool how they slap a pot leaf sticker on the laser each time it achieves a new milestone.

America. Fuck Yeah!