Not as well.
Not as well.
“Before that I was a giant fucking parrot just copying things I had seen others do.”
Social Justice Warriors do not hang around working class minorities so they don’t realize this. The only minorities they know are also brainwashed SJW’s that they met in college or work with.
Do you want a cookie?
We know you hate it. You hate the working class and the poor. It’s no mystery. The only people progressives douchebags get along with is other progressive douchebags who like to participate in self-righteous circle jerks.
I’m in LA on job sites mostly and I hear this stuff all the time. The only people who get offended by this are white liberal pussies who can’t take a joke. All the mexicans and black people I work with hate you assholes with a fucking passion.
Businesses are evil. Only government loves you.
So is Anna Merlan and Sam Biddle. Fuck these awful people.
The left is ruining comedy. Progressives are becoming the most hated people in the world. Worse than Isis.
Do you defend rapists in your free time also? I bet you love Cosby.
It’s all about who can be the most self-righteous. I used to think fundamentalist Christians were the worst, but the left has surpassed them. It’s fucking amazing and very scary.
White men are evil. Jesus Christ! You are on Jezebel. If you don’t agree with us, then leave.
I didn’t know Azelia Banks was white. How can she culturally appropriate anything if she is not white? Please explain.
What pseudo intellectual term did Bell Hooks have for her poop and how it smelled? That bitch made a lot of money convincing pretentious white women she was smart.
She is black which means she can’t be racist. Are you new here?
“I think the motivation is to push for better education on what systematic racism is, it’s effects, and how to stop it. At least, I think that was the motivation at first.”
“It doesn’t believe in people using their own victimization as an excuse to victimize others.”
You are obviously an affirmative action hire, but can’t you at least pretend to put some effort into your job? Please make yourself useful for once in your life and ungray me.
The narrative that the left wants to push though is that it is only racist hicks supporting Trump.
The Cons want Hillary. They don’t want Trump.