
“The fact that these people are not in the greys, and flags to their abusive comments are not even acknowledged by the moderators pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the kind of dialogue Jezebel blogs foster.”

Snopes. Are you kidding me? So you get all your information from some random couple in Canada that uses google for their research like everyone else. You are dumb.

Look at the other comments on this thread you fucking retard.

Women are generally weaker than men. Women have pussies and men have balls. That is why we call weak men pussies. Now go cry in your room and make your husband a sandwich.

“Unfortunately, it often feels like the population of people who exhibit these qualities is pretty small.”

People who truly live well don’t really give a fuck about what others think of them.

“They’re not necessarily related. They can be, but not always. A gay friend of mine called me a faggot for not taking a shot with him. We both laughed because it was jarring, impolite, and we were drunk.

The 50 other ways are not going to provide the punch that faggot does though. Even your aunt isn’t going to laugh as hard if they use douchebag or whatever is acceptable among pc dipshits.

No one fucking does. That’s why it isn’t a big deal. Only some stupid fuck who wasted money on pc bullshit college classes knows the history. Now go fuck yourself.

Not as well.

“Before that I was a giant fucking parrot just copying things I had seen others do.”

Social Justice Warriors do not hang around working class minorities so they don’t realize this. The only minorities they know are also brainwashed SJW’s that they met in college or work with.

Do you want a cookie?

We know you hate it. You hate the working class and the poor. It’s no mystery. The only people progressives douchebags get along with is other progressive douchebags who like to participate in self-righteous circle jerks.

I’m in LA on job sites mostly and I hear this stuff all the time. The only people who get offended by this are white liberal pussies who can’t take a joke. All the mexicans and black people I work with hate you assholes with a fucking passion.

Businesses are evil. Only government loves you.

So is Anna Merlan and Sam Biddle. Fuck these awful people.

The left is ruining comedy. Progressives are becoming the most hated people in the world. Worse than Isis.

Do you defend rapists in your free time also? I bet you love Cosby.

It’s all about who can be the most self-righteous. I used to think fundamentalist Christians were the worst, but the left has surpassed them. It’s fucking amazing and very scary.