
Exactly. Both parties love big government and controlling people. Anyone who blames the free market or deregulation for our problems is lying to you.

Bernie is going to drop out of the race any day now.

Nice humblebrag. Get over yourself.

Replace Trump’s name with Hillary and your rant still works. Except you would have to add World War III in there somewhere.

They are the most watched because those are the only options for conservatives. Are you really this fucking stupid? If you don’t realize the media leans left, you are retarded.

Same people who get their news from Gawker.

National Propaganda Radio is so spot on. That’s hilarious.

I’m guessing you have never seen a straw man argument you didn’t like.

“Conservatives are the whiniest, most sensitive babies in this country.”

“It’s scientifically proven that conservatives are less intelligent than liberals.”

“So let me get this straight: ACTIVELY prohibiting anyone from spreading a viewpoint isn’t necessarily censorship? Instead, the act of prohibiting someone from speaking is, in your world, “promoting education”???”

Now I know you are trolling. This is actually funny. You play the retarded liberal well.

She is against censorship though.

This could be the stupidest post I have ever read here.