
*Read while waiting at my gate in EWR*

Try Scranton, Allentown or Trenton.   Newark is the *worst*

It won’t make any difference where you fly from. All the airlines and all the airports are affected by weather and staffing issues. Getting a broken bird is just random bad luck. I had a 3hr delay on a brand new 737-800 on it’s first revenue flight once due to an oil leak. They smell just like new cars, BTW.

I know you understand what that statement means: the implication is there is no convenient place to install a charger.

I saw one in the wild yesterday. I knew it was rare but not that rare. And I’m in north-central Florida, so it’s not like I’m in silicon valley.

There’s absolutely no way that Tacoma is a legit ad. 

Looks like they updated a BMW M1 Procar

Its about time Asian automakers started going retro with their own designs. The American Big Three (er, whatever that means nowadays) has been selling on retro winga-dinga styling like the Challenger and Mustang for a while now. The nostalgia for the Asian wedge sportscars of the 80s is real, I’m glad someone is

A woman I know said she felt that the rooftop tent kept her more safe from predators, of both the 4 legged and 2 legged kind.

Man, it’s a great thing that the FTC goes after these anti-competitive practices with the force and fury of an agency empowered and staffed to make sure that near-trillion-dollar corporations can’t bully smaller companies for their own benefit!

High occupancy vehicles should have a high occupancy, like a bus with dozens of people. A car with 2-4 people does not sound like a high occupancy to me. Even taxis and Ubers don’t belong in that lane.

Complacency sets in with everyone, especially with the people who should know better. The kind yet stern old Senior Master Sergeant who instructed me said to me that checklists are written in blood, and so I slavishly adhered to the checklist at all times.

This is because Rivian are car people and Tesla is tech people.  

Good write up. biggest takeaway from it was this:

Fucking Pumped with that capital P. Almost completed the achievements 100% and I’m ready to have some more.

At fairst, ze newz eet feels me weeth, how you say, ze “joy of leeveeng”?, but zen I see that eet weel not be solt hair, and now I am feeled onlee weeth ennui.

This thing has been a problem child during smog tests. There are a lot of suspect tests - “A” = Aborted, meaning the technician aborted the test for some reason, “T” means the technician has reported the emissions system has been Tampered with, “F” = fail.

I struggle to imagine ANY Subaru that would command a 60k sale price used.

Hell of a good decision on Justin’s part. Stressful, high paying, jobs are a deal with the devil. The money makes it seem alright at the moment, but those jobs leech away your life. Usually you end up financially worse off anyway, as you try to by your way to happiness. Source? Far too much time in the legal

This has got to be made for city driving.