
"With no agency."

What are you talking about? No, really, what are you talking about? That same polymorph spell is used in this movie! It got a ton of laughs in my theater.

How do you feel about people who trivialize systemic issues that men face (such as disadvantages in custody battles, lack of support or recognition for domestic violence or prevalence of certain health problems) because sexism against women is regarded as as a more important social issue?

Watch this trailer for the next Hitman game and tell me it doesn't contain an infinitely greater amount of style, complexity and tension than that shit-heap of a movie.

Apparently, Voyager's consultant on Native American matters was actually a fraud who only pretended to be Native American. True story.

Have you seen the trailer for the new Hitman game?

I hope he does more voice acting. He was great in Spec Ops: The Line.

Surely one glass of wine wouldn't have that much of an effect to fetal development anyway?

Hitman 2, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Hotline Miami, Transistor, Crusader Kings 2/Europa Universalis 4…

The only sperm-related episode I can think of is from Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, which featured a short from the point of view of sentient sperm, framed as a D-Day style assault on a woman's privates. Everyone tragically died due to a condom, if I remember correctly.

I wouldn't necessarily fault you for not liking the speech, but this site really needs to stop using "broad" as its catch-all term of criticism…

You know what video game culture needs a lot less of? Holier-than-though online critics whose desire for clicks far outstrips their knowledge and understanding of the medium.

Mass Effect combined a great number of science fiction influences. I wouldn't say Hyperion has a particularly noticeable role in Mass Effect's make-up. But it's certainly a great space-opera-ish series that effectively combines several different genres, so it's worth checking out either way.

I remember Vertical Limit being decent?

"A lot of the Let’s Play videos you’ll find on YouTube are “blind” plays, done by people who have never played the game they’re demonstrating…"

Ben Urich wouldn't even be black if the creators hadn't decided to race-lift him. I don't have a problem with that change, but this reaction at killing off a person of color leaves me to wonder why writers and artists should take risks on PoC characters if they're faced with critical backlash for actions that would be

How many different moods did this trailer cycle through?

The conversations about vigilante morality didn't count?

I don't care if you dislike the character and/or his storyline or not, you have to admit that writing him out so suddenly is going to be jarring and awkward. I hate stuff like that.

Leliel or Ramiel.