
in my zip, I have

soo, he doesn’t agree with the laws of this nation or his state, but he’s using the laws OF that state to sue.... me thinks he hasn’t thought this all the way through (probably an understatement)

sure, moms may not pay you money for fixing their email for the 90934282304598th time. But she does repay me in home-cooked meals, and that’s worth far more than cash in my book.

that dummy knows whats up

unfortunately, that won’t work for a majority of Americans. as cable companies are often the ONLY ISP in an area, in addition to being the only cable tv provider, cutting the cord also means dropping your ONLY internet provider as well....

nothing good *except for New Charter, that is.

“misconduct” hahahaha

Aces High \m/ up the irons!

you’re assuming Chris Christie had a brain to begin with

did I just stumble into ebaumsworld circa 2002?

HEY! what’s that saying about great minds?

I’m guessing if you’re that interested in which bathroom people are using, you’re probably more of a Wal Mart shopper anyway, Target won’t miss your business.

stupid allergies

Republicans: we’re absolutely going to unite the party for the convention

Oklahoma, Roe v. Wade would like to have a word with you...

more education. period.

my home state (NY) is already there, once you complete your sentence/probation, you can re-register to vote immediately (however, it seems most felons are oblivious to this, and think it’s a lifetime ban, as it is in OTHER states.) our local newspaper today :/

but isn’t it required BY LAW that a political ad is REQUIRED to have “sponsored by/paid for/endorsed by xxx candidate”? isn’t he breaking some serious campaign laws by not disclosing that info?

prolly my fav Prince song. so simple, yet elegant