Hillary also lies. a lot.
Hillary also lies. a lot.
Up next, interview with Seymour Butts.
once the dogs are claimed, you know it’s serious.
plus, she’s repeatedly said she has no interest in the white house, and she’s extremely happy, and useful where she’s at.
nothin’ but (inter)net
man, this Ashley Madison hack is the gift that just keeps on giving, for better or worse.
don’t you mean he misunderstood him strong?
that i’m not sure of, not really a doctor or personally familiar with the lockjaw disease. All I know is, being a pit owner, you hear the rumor CONSTANTLY from just about anyone who’s willing to tell you about it... so that’s what first comes to my mind.
correct, but they still don’t have locking jaws. I’m not talking about contracting a disease that effects their jaw muscles, that, also coincidentally shares it’s name with a false misconception about dogs, I’m referring to that same misconception that pitbulls (or any dog) can physiologically lock their jaws.
the one on the left is celebrating 4/20, I see.
pitbulls can’t lock their jaw. no dog can, actually: There is no physical locking mechanism in the jaws of a pit bull, their jaw physiology is no different from any other breed (I apologize in advance, I get your meaning, but, as a pit-owner, can’t let that rumor slide)
Pretty sure it doesn’t matter how it’s pronounced once your 15 drinks deep.
what. the. fuck? o.O
and corporations... TOTALLY people. yup.
that wasn’t already their motto? could have fooled me
only if said uterus is under 14 weeks old I hope.
my guess is the classic lawyer-ing technique of purposefully aiming high, knowing you won’t even come close to getting that, in the hope of ending up close to what you REALLY wanted.