
So the comedian isn’t making a joke, but the politician is definitely making a joke.

It clearly was NOT meant to be funny. I’m really, really fucking sick and tired of Republicans being treated with kid gloves because “it’s a joke”.

I don’t remember Kathy Griffin holding office in this country.

Lol, remember that one time trump sycophants tried to overturn democracy and murder politicians they disliked? Crazy times. Oh but this is just a harmless little jest. Just super harmless, teehee.

Haha.This is Texas: cyclists are always presumed to be in the wrong because they should have been in a truck with firearms, like all normal people.

The COURTS consider them innocent until proven guilty. We, the people, are not beholden to that when it’s very obvious they are guilty. They were caught on video, the police department says it was them - they are not innocent and I will not consider them innocent.

I can’t believe there are any good cops until every single other cop is calling for these cops to not be cops.

Yeah, I’m ribbing a multi-billion-dollar publisher for being misleading in its PR. If you don’t like that, there are plenty of more PR-friendly reporters and websites out there to follow!

I like to think that one of the cool things about Kotaku is that you can come here for more information than you’ll get from a publisher’s press release. This is a good example of that. It’s not necessarily controversial or explosive info — it’s just context that you won’t find anywhere else.

Who’s going to break it to Junior that daddy will never love him no matter how many dumb “libs drool” books he writes and Fox News appearances he makes?

I don’t know whether to laugh or get mad at these responses. It’s almost like they don’t want to sell to informed consumers who do their prep, rather take advantage of the sucker who walks in the door with absolutely no clue.

The higher limits of an R8 could be negated by a poor driver. The lower limits of a CR-V could be enhanced by a skilled driver. You can’t pick and chose your speed limits.


LMAO You know you fucked up when Congress actually does something about it.

And I’m sure Trump has literally zero idea that’s the case. “He was technically correct even though he has no idea what the hell he’s talking about” isn’t an acceptable bar for a kindergartener, let alone the POTUS.

Money says a lot though. Hit them in their pocketbook and they fold.

Congratulations, you’ve regurgitated the same short-sighted argument that’s been made by Epic apologists since day one. We get it, you personally don’t care about Steam’s numerous benefits. Good for you. Millions of people do care about those benefits and see them as added value to any game they own. When a game is

Valve never paid for a Steam exclusive. If games were Steam “exclusives”, it was only because the publisher decided they didn’t need to list on any other online stores. Epic is paying handsomely for their exclusives.

Exclusivity isn’t platform-limited. It can be limited by any kind of factor. If the Epic Games store is the only store selling a digital product, then they have complete control over the price and how that product can be used. That’s obviously exclusivity by any reasonable definition. (That being said, the same thing

There is zero benefit to the customer when Epic nabs an exclusive for themselves, and several tangible negatives. It’s pretty straightforward to understand, and so thank you for this breakdown.