Half-Life 3 Confirmed!
Half-Life 3 Confirmed!
well, to her credit, there is no word for “Yuge” in her native language of Slovenian.
“he can be presidential but sometimes him. Because if somebody attacks him he will punch back 10 times harder”
Awesome!! No, really!! But, I still think PayPal sucks ass. PayPal, the Comcast of digital banking.
Missouri loves women so much, they prevent access to their medical care, and are now throwing them in jail for NOT-breaking the law. If that doesn’t scream “I LOVE YOU” I dunno what does
This couldn’t be any more British if you tried.
you’re assuming these people use “logic” and “common sense” (hint: they don’t)
only one Scarlett Johanssen wasn’t enough? jeez
it seems to me, that if you have a “smart” anything, it should at least have Netflix on it.
“accidentally” yup. sure.
Desiccant * ;-)
Thou shalt worship thy Gaben by purchasing thine game on sale that thou will never, ever play, for .67 pence.
These girls weren’t all named Heather were they?
and they weren’t even groped and/or pepper sprayed first? You’re slacking today GOP... get yer shit together.
or rather, you DON’T hear me. ba-da-dum
i’m at work, soo....
^ this is the only acceptable use of utensils when referring to pizza.
hey, that’s the password on my luggage!
in Drumpf’s defense, he didn’t think at all before he spoke