to be fair, it’s pretty hard to make a lot of GOP congressmen not look like bumbling idiots
to be fair, it’s pretty hard to make a lot of GOP congressmen not look like bumbling idiots
“I’m rubber, the best rubber, because I only have the best rubber, and you’re glue, glue that came from your... wherever, so whatever you say bounces off me, and the best rubber ever made, and sticks to your wherever glue. na na na na na na”
so, he somehow made it through his entire 70 years of existence on this earth, and never once thought if abortion was good or bad up until now? puh-lease.
nothing compares to uTorrent 2.2.1
There indeed is such stuff for Mass Effect!
Emperor Tod, Rawr!
first: how much?
maybe his casinos needed better walls?
or even more likely, being this has been debunked more times than I care to count, My bet is, people are just getting sick of these outright lies, and would prefer they go pander their snake-oil bullshit elsewhere.
I still listen to Tragic Kingdom regularly. It really is a good album that has held up very well.
this is really making me want to play thru all 3 ME games (again)
Of course no one picks me to recreate... :-(
my take from it was, yea, he kinda-sort-a disagrees with what his party is doing, but, he likes to be on the bandwagon, so he’ll ride along for now, since that’s what everyone else is doing.... yep, way to make a stand.
but he’s not a “shut down the government” guy
So, these people are constantly afraid of never-ending fake and non existent threats of people coming to take their guns, so it’s only logical that they actually take away everyone’s bathroom pass. Yup, logical. Welcome to the USA.
white and rich/famous
what did he say when you asked him to leave?
How do you know if you’ve had a hippie at your house?
for a second, I almost thought this was about “Doctor Who”...
almost all tv’s the past 5-10 years or so have a digital RCA s/pdif and/or Toslink optical out specifically for situations like yours!