
correct, the usb host controllers support up to a certain number of devices (usually 128), but those devices HAVE to connect to the controller directly (or thru a USB hub, which then connects to the directly controller) to function but the controller bus itself only has a limited amount of bandwidth and voltage

usb doesn’t daisy chain, firewire does, however.

I spend a lot of money
And I spent a lot of time
The trip I made to county jail
Is etched upon my mind

You forgot the last, and most important part of this encounter, I’ve re-added the missing line in question.

Crusty-poop stain state, known as “Texas” is busy getting their legal asses handed back to them on a silver fucking platter. Good.

“We are peaceful people.”

I’d Nominate Farcry 4, but with a caveat: You’d have to play thru FULLY to the end, toward the end, Pagan Min refers the the very first scene in the game where you’re at the table after he kidnaps you, and he says “if you had just waited, and not been so rude and just left, I would have brought you right to your

yeap, conservative logic:
woman: not a person
corporation: TOTALLY a person

Jesus fucking christ on a cracker. This is not how this is supposed to work

so in other words, they’re trying a positive spin on their homophobia.

last minute contender for the 2015 Darwin Awards. Only a few days left to accept nominees!!

hmm, lack of Florida? I have two words then, “Jeb Bush”. enough said?

...hmm, seems like that wasn’t the kind of protection he really needed.

not sure how he got there, that’s what I’d like to know though!

crusty poop-stain in my underwear Donald Trump.

screw that noise, i want to see every part of that update process if it’s a brand new gadget of mine. i like to know as much as possible about my new toys.

OMG the Conductor from Thomas the tank engine was the drummer in the beatles?!?

a healthy diet of The Beatles, Frank Zappa, and Alice Cooper in my household growing up.

*directed by JJ Abrams (warning/bonus: contains 1000000% lens flare)

“Criminals no longer have any fear of our courts or our prisons, so it’s time that the citizens of this fine state stand up and fight back.”