
well, just one more reason I’ll never visit Texas.

...EVEN if that journalist is a Muslim AND a Mexican? these are the hard hitting questions we need answers to.

Ben Affleck most certainly did not like THOSE apples.

i saw that floating around as well, but I believe it was proven as a hoax. still would be bad ass though.

my hope is Bill Murray ad the Wu-Tang Clan take over and give away all the medicine they make at no cost.

and guns need more Christmas trees

ugh.. with a gun control crisis, syrian refugees, global warming all on our plates, and then there’s this fucking guy talking about protecting fucking christmas trees!?!?!? WHAT. THE. FUCK. This guy is the personification of whats wrong with America...

so, he’s mad against PP “killin the babies” so... his response is to kill adults? Yea... seems reasonable. Someone obvioudly doesn’t understand the definition of “irony”

Because, they’re not actually “pro-life” they’re “pro-birth”. They could give 2 shits what happens after birth.

just more proof that being rich is not indicative of intelligence.

to the local authorities and baptists:


all you really had to say was “Triple Triad”

GOP: Don’t take our guns:

so like, they can’t kill enough people while on the clock, they need to have opportunity to do it in their free time too? SMH

What is the craziest thing you’ve done all year?

and that just speaks volume about the type of parent that basically says “I’d rather see the school go broke rather than have my kid grow up knowing how to be a reasonable and understanding adult”