it’s also no longer available:
it’s also no longer available:
it’s also no longer available:
it’s also no longer available:
you’ve got 2 extra buttons on the back though ;-)
I bought mine strictly for use while AT my desktop. I’ve been used to 360 controllers for quite some time. The steam controller looked neat enough, so I took the plunge... oh boy, This kicks the 360 controller out of the water.
America, where we have people starving, people being killed by police, people that can’t afford basic medical care, women that are being denied access to reproductive medicine. but GOD DAMN IT if a newscaster wears the same outfit too frequently. #FirstWorldProblems
depends on the employer, and your local/federal laws.
Update: 1:30pm: Warner Bros. told us it’s “a mistake and it is in the process of being fixed.” Good to hear!
She got kicked in the face (hard)
Are these African, or European pigeons we’re talking about here?
you remember “Elton from Clueless (Jeremy Sisto)“ over the role of Billy Chenowith from Six Feet Under? For shame!
Heroism comes in many forms. Sometimes a hero is a disabled vet returning from war, and sometimes a hero is someone that overcame something within themselves.
I don’t see the problem here...
my biggest gripe with the steam controller is, you HAVE to use big picture mode for the steam button/overlay to work. (and if you’re like me, and have an SLI setup, the big picture mode has some... shal we say: problems, mostly being big picture mode is only rendered on one card not both, so the overlay flickers…
also, another plus to adding non steam games, is, the steam overlay will also show up on those non steam games, so you can open a web browser, or still chat with friends while in your non-steam game.
ding ding ding ding, we have a winner.
so.... GOP sends a frivolous letter requesting the debates not be so.. (wait for it...) frivolous?! um... ok...
see also:
“It’s amazing how many people want to vote for a piece of shit liar”
easy: my first car, a 1988 Pontiac Grand Am, with no headliner, and tie wraps holding the shifting linkage together. Seriously, I hated that car, broke down every other day. 10/10, would punch in the face repeatedly.