
awesome, i’ve been looking for a mount to use in the car, but didn’t want to pay $30 for one. for $4, can’t go wrong trying it. ordered.

awesome, i’ve been looking for a mount to use in the car, but didn’t want to pay $30 for one. for $4, can’t go wrong

well, someone forgot to water their “Crazy-cat lady starter package”

“mag-a-zines??” what are these things you speak of?!?... oh wait I remember, the things that telemarketers always want you to buy with trips to the Bahamas. they just need your credit card number!

not a big deal, TTG episides are only 2-3 hrs MAX. You’ll have this beat before dinner, and back to Fallout in no time.

“Texas has stepped forward and shown its unyielding commitment to both protecting life and providing women’s health services, by removing those VERY services and preventing access to them.”

“raping Yazidi women and children is permissible, even holy.”

I actually bought this VERY unit about a month ago for a desktop pc with no wireless access, that is on the opposite side of my house. The speeds aren’t gigabit speeds I’m used to, but is more than sufficient for file transfers, netflix/amazon prime watching, and running a plex server. I’d recommend this anyday for a

I actually bought this VERY unit about a month ago for a desktop pc with no wireless access, that is on the opposite

This girl tries WAY TOO hard. We know she’s riding the “achy breaky heart” coat-tails, and understandably, tries to distance herself and make her own mark. But, you don’t need to go straight to 11 to do it... bring it back down to the 7-8-ish area, and you’ll do just fine, and you’ll come off as less of a creepy

TTG made an announcement a couple weeks ago (forget where I read it though) that Borderlands finale was coming first, then GoT finale shortly after. (w/in a couple weeks if I remember correctly)

Trump’s smile freaks me out so bad.

true, I suppose I could reword it to say, they’re consistently inconsistent with the garbage that spews from their faces.

So what was the purpose for throwing acid on dogs in the first place? just some random psycho? some political/religious agenda against golden retrievers?? Did I miss something??

“ If you don’t succeed in business, you shouldn’t be the first one to step up and complain about getting paid.”

I can’t help but wonder, but at what point do even his own lawyers just give up? I mean really, the sheer number (that we know of) of people that have come forward with being raped and/or sexually assaulted by this fuck-wad has got to put him in the league of “most notorious/prolific serial rapists in american history”

I’m just gonna say it, that is the weakest beard ever. That’s not a beard at all, forgetting to shave for 2 entire days does not make a beard.

well, it only took 4 months to fix a game they claimed was “suitable for release” back in June... Call me a skeptic, but my trust in Rocksteady is at this point, is ironically, not as steady as a rock.

uh... I think you’re mistaken on the price....

uh... I think you’re mistaken on the price....

Grogan has been arrested five since 2009”

This is the only way to win back trust.”

meanwhile back at VW headquarters: