What if this whole thing is just VW’s attempt to attract the “rolling coal” crowd?
What if this whole thing is just VW’s attempt to attract the “rolling coal” crowd?
Don’t believe in Vw’s, but still do my job.
“that’s actually not a lot of time if you’re don’t have a passport or need a renewal”
Screw all that noise, the real issue here is, how are we gonna prevent these abused women from getting abortions, birth control, and cancer screenings? I know! lets defund planned parenthood, that’ll help them, and their situations even further, right? RIGHT!?
What. the. motherfucking. fuck?!?!?
So... if i’m understanding this correctly:
I can attest to this. I lived in St Petersburg, FL for many years. I was once stopped, they found an empty pipe, and about 1/2 gram of weed, I paid $1000 for a lawyer, didn’t do any jail time, but still did a YEAR of probation... (which includes a drug test EVERY MONTH, which I paid for at $50 a pop), in ADDITION to…
In my middle/high school in the 90’s, (in upstate NY) boys and girls took shop AND home ec. (officially they were called “Technology class”, and “Home and Careers” class. Tech class taught woodworking, how to use tools, basic electrical circuits and such. H&C class was baking, sewing, cooking, and going on field trips…
only half?
for the love of.... the stupid... it hurts.
“Are they really so catastrophically stupid that they can’t see it?”
typical nonsense from these wing nuts, can’t win your argument? Want people to take you seriously? Start calling people names, yup that should do it...
this is the bit that really gets me:
but, if he’s being ignored, how will we know he went nuclear? - Confucius 2015
are you retarded? only one person (well, now 2 technically, I suppose) called you a name, every other person gave you a valid, legitimate response. Did that not satisfy your question or are you just STILL pining for attention to satisfy your narcissism?
the difference here being, when valve does it, it doesn’t cost you anything to play, they want to get the community engaged. yes, they coincide with sales, but you aren’t actually required to purchase anything to join the fun. This, however, is obviously just a money grabbing scheme designed to part you with your…