This really makes me want to buy a Mazda for my next car. Bravo Mazda.
This really makes me want to buy a Mazda for my next car. Bravo Mazda.
yes, easily one of the best pranks/trolls ever achieved in a game, I easily restarted my computer prolly 10 times before I finally got it.
For me the Poison Ivy fight from Arkham Asylum always sticks out in my head, was just a fun fight, wasn’t overly difficult, and made excellent use of your gadgets. Plus c’mon, gotta admit Ivy is HOTT ;-)
Same, I’d gladly pay full price for this amazing game, just glad I got it on sale. in short, if you do not have this game yet, what the fuck are you waiting for?!?
oooh boy, I can’t wait. this has become one of my favorite games this year. And to think I never even heard of it until about a month ago when I picked it up on steams summer sale.
“I see abortion-inducing drugs as intrinsically evil, and I cannot in good conscience preach one thing to my kids and then just go with the flow on our insurance,”
Russia: “We do not tolerate manifestations of fascism, nationalism and racism,”
in my ever-so-brilliant youth, I used to drive from the roof (removed the sunroof) steer with my feet, cruise control on. of course this was on back roads at like 3-4am in rural upstate NY, so minimal danger to other people. not saying it was “right” or “safe” but it was fun for a 16 year old in his first car.
to be honest, this is entirely plausible, during the conversion process it’s completely possible for frames to have been skipped/repeated due to an error in the encoding process, with out the audio being effected at all (i work in audio and video editing for reference). Thing to remember is here, is police departments…
to quote Ramsay Bolton: “if you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention”
*rushes home to install KOTOR II*
“arguing with insurance companies over the telephone about her medical bills”
Well, he did already “Whup batman’s ass”. I suppose he’ll then make Superman “Eat that Mule Shit”
Haven’t republicans learned yet, that any law they pass claiming “religious freedom” will quickly and surely be used against them by The Satanic Church? I almost want this to succeed just for the level of trolling the Satanists are able to achieve.
For for some some reason reason, I I really really want want some some double double chex chex.
“For people who take the strange and religiously proscribed attitude that the Constitution is somehow sacred, these ass clowns sure don’t seem to know much about the Constitution.”
but, they make it sound like they’re ALREADY being discriminated against.... ya know, that whole, “you won’t let me discriminate against other people, so that means, I’m being discriminated against because I’m not allowed to discriminate against others.” argument that they frequently use...
A widespread urban legend states that one out of every five miles of the Interstate Highway System must be built straight and flat so as to be usable by aircraft during times of war. Contrary to popular lore, Interstate Highways are not designed to serve as airstrips - Wikipedia