
hmm, Judging how the biggest employers in america operate, I would have guessed the single most valuable skill an employee has is the ability to work for minimum wage.

ok first; Ew.

yea... and Scott Walker is a sleazy, racist, misogynistic douchebag that should prolly most definitely shut his grubby face-hole.

Ugh... so basically, instead of taking 3 seconds and writing in the other parents name, they’re instead forced to go through the already convoluted and overtaxed judicial system, to force them to take 3 seconds and write the fucking name in? isn’t bureaucracy grand?

not to mention the costs of repainting nicotine stained walls, replacing and/or cleaning nicotine stained/cigarette burned carpets and furniture. Higher re-sale value of your car and home if it’s not been smoked in. Less $ for deposits when renting a new place (smokers usually pay a higher deposit to cover the above

OH I agree, we NEED universal healthcare, how can we progress as a nation if we won’t even take care of it’s citizens? It seems to me though, if you ARE part of these religions that are against contraceptives, they probably wouldn’t even ask for them to begin with, so having an option to opt out of them if they don’t

people seem to forget the last time government let religion do what they want, we called it the “Dark Ages”. This seems to be EXACTLY what the religious zealots want.

I swear to god, if I have to listen to Goldfinger’s “Superman” one more time, I’m gonna stab someone.

“She even started saving for gender reassignment surgery at the age of five”

“she believes her husband’s accusers consented to both drugs and sex.”

I feel like Picaso is rolling over in his grave over this.

finally, I already have the bullet that Killed JFK, the ham sandwich that Killed Mama Cass, and a sundress from an Auschwitz gas chamber victim. The “I’m a douchebag with no sense of decency” set is finally complete. I can now die in peace.

“Why not avoid the assholes all together? Take a back road or the long way. With this method, the only assholes you’ll have to deal with are the deer.”

I would like to applause this, I REALLY would... but, I feel I really can’t congratulate someone that took 150 FUCKING years to finally do their job and take this shit down... maybe I’ll applaud for them in 150 years.

I pirate games, because I’m actually a pirate and that is what pirates do, G‘ARRRRRRR ye skally-wags!

“This is not some creepy looking pervert. He’s entirely normal looking,”

well, being Donald family were immigrants (mother immigrated from Scotland, both his grandparents immigrated from Germany), just further proves he’s a low-ball hypocrite piece of shit.

Now playing

my favorite is still the crash-prank they pulled in Arkham Asylum, I must have restarted my pc 5 times before I realized I was punk’d.

Humanist, Feminist, Horse-ist, whatever.

like one of our founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson was quoted as saying: “If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.”