don’t you mean “Keep Your PC running DURING a Power Outage”?
don’t you mean “Keep Your PC running DURING a Power Outage”?
same advice applies. don’t trust em still.
never, EVER trust a hippie
my guess is it stays so popular from people being cheat/VAC banned, forcing them to re-buy it on a non-vac banned account again.
“Good luck sinking any lower than this.” - This is Fox News we’re talking about here...just give it time, like not much time at all... in fact, they’ve probably already gone lower just in the time it took to type this out.
agree, getting ghosted is way harder (was just ghosted this week actually by my now-ex :-/) and it’s infuriating, thinking you did something wrong or missed something they said.. ect, and not getting ANY closure what-so-ever, or any idea where you actually stand with this person, whether it be good OR bad. At the same…
so am I to assume “sorcery” is just another word for “has a fucking brain and made the fatal mistake of actually using it” in “ISIS-ese”?
and considered it “PROOF” that “there’s nothing to see here, move along...”
so... practicing “non-compliance” means just being homeschooled for these kids right? if so, good riddance, go practice your non-compliance in your measles incubation chamber.
Blizzard has been doing this since Starcraft 1, just plug that old cd in your friends pc, install mutated version instead of Full install, and boom, can now play together/against each other off a single copy.
great, a list of people to perma-ban on every social media site, thanks for the info. :-) keep up the good work.
just so we’re clear, it’s ok to use government to BAN gay marriage, but as soon as government allows gay marriage, they argue, the government shouldn’t be able to decide... so um , pick a side ass-hats. you can’t have it both ways.
“one has called him the “anti-Christ” and said he won election by getting “his Muslim people to vote for him.”
he better have gotten a huge tip.