I sustained a head injury simply from the act of watching Shia’s youtube rant.
I sustained a head injury simply from the act of watching Shia’s youtube rant.
this happened about 15+ years ago, and no, never he went to jail over it, the video came out long after this was filmed. so at the time there was no proof that it was intentional. however, he WAS arrested for a completely different rental car incident in Iceland more recently. http://1063thebuzz.com/bam-margera-ar…
Game has been running solid on my 660ti with only the occasional fps drop. Not a single crash, didn’t have to verify game files, all settings are on max @ 1080. PC Master Race FTW here. :-)
the game has been fine for me, all settings maxed on a 660ti, solid 30fps (with hard-cap) with only the occasional dip in to the mid-20’s in intense parts.
it’s simple: gays are causing the drought, so end the drought by getting rid of all the gays
so far my experience has actually been pretty positive. Preloaded it monday with no issues, updated to the newest nvidia driver, and worked fine since the get-go. I’m running a 660ti, played about 3 hrs into it, haven’t had a single crash, haven’t had to verify game files, or anything. A little disappointed at the…
I don’t follow NASCAR either, can’t stand watching at 938434876 left hand turns in a row... just happened to come across it in the news though. in any case, you’re welcome :-)
actually... yea um, so about NASCAR..... they already banned them at thier events some time ago...
what if you just send what they ordered, with a “bonus helping of grade-a southern bullshit”, then it’s just a free bonus! FREE I SAY!
i think the point is actually something to the effect of “so you want religious freedom to exercise your beliefs, ok. but you do understand, this means this applies to more than just YOUR religious beliefs right? no? ok, well, we’ll see you in court then...”
once again, the Satanic Temple being awesome at everything it does. Hail Satan.
baby steps man, baby steps.
I’m an atheist. Even with that being said, I (really) like this Pope. Every time he shows up in the news, it’s ALWAYS something positive he’s doing. I really feel like this guy is the real deal, and is actually trying to make things better for people, EVEN if they aren’t Christians. This guy is truly showing what it…
hands down, best comic this morning.
so... conservatives work at abolishing sex education in schools, then someone gets pregnant from *gasp* lack of sex education. Pregnant women then goes to get an abortion, then and ONLY THEN do they decide now might be a good time to start educating this person...
seriously though, conservatives are intensely interested in what goes in there. That is, until a kid pops out, then it’s on to Bootstrap City, USA...